Local Administration

1.1 High Standard of living and quality of life
Local administrative organizations shall enhance people's livelihood of people in their area of responsibility in order to further improve people's standard of living and quality of life. There are 7 elements in consideration as follows:
- The aspect of health, sanitation, and nutrition including life expectancy, disease-free society, nutritious, and public health administration
- The aspect of education including providing information on learning process, fundamental knowledge and skills as well as access to the educational service and qualification.
- The aspect of working life involving work environment, employment, salary satisfaction, and social insurance
- The aspect of economic growth, poverty, and income distribution and welfare as an important tool to achieve high standard of living.
- The aspect of environment and safety including environment surrounding their habitation, environmental health along with security of life and property
- The aspect of civil state involving strengthening the relationship between state and people, promoting public participation, and utilizing human resources
1.2 Higher Income
Local administrative organizations shall enhance people's life to earn sufficient income, with no debt, and to live in accordance with Sufficient Economy Philosophy (SEP), as well as increase job opportunities and develop occupational groups in their area including enhance the quality of product and develop local-identity products to increase competitiveness.
1.3 Local Prosperity
Local administrative organizations shall provide public services including public infrastructure and welfare for the people. LAOs shall also improve the accessibility of public services and transportation to facilitate trade which will lead to the growth of the locals.
1.4 Public Participation in Local Administration
Local administrative organizations shall promote public participation in various ways such as participation in local council's meetings, and in the inspection committee of projects, which will increase transparency and public participation. Consequently, it shall create the sense of belonging to the community and shall encourage collective consciousness to the people in the community.

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